Private Sub cancel_Click()
txtname.Text = ""
txtpass.Text = ""
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load()
End Sub
Private Sub login_Click()
If txtname.Text = "LASPINAS" And txtpass.Text = "laspinas" Then
a = MsgBox("Password Validate", vbInformation, "Password")
a = m
txtname.Text = ""
txtpass.Text = ""
End If
End Sub
Private Sub cancel_Click()
one.Value = False
two.Value = False
three.Value = False
four.Value = False
five.Value = False
six.Value = False
imgfirst.Visible = False
imgsecond.Visible = False
imgthird.Visible = False
imgforth.Visible = False
imgfifth.Visible = False
imgsixth.Visible = False
txtmove.Text = ""
pricetxt.Text = ""
totaltxt.Text = ""
nme.Text = ""
cashtxt.Text = ""
changetxt.Text = ""
cmbselction = ""
date = ""
time = ""
End Sub
Private Sub cmdpen_Click()
Timer1.Enabled = True
End Sub
Private Sub Compute_Click()
changetxt.Text = Val(cashtxt.Text) - Val(totaltxt.Text)
End Sub
Private Sub five_Click()
If five = True Then
totaltxt.Text = Val(5) * Val(pricetxt.Text)
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load()
one.Value = False
two.Value = False
three.Value = False
four.Value = False
five.Value = False
six.Value = False
imgfirst.Visible = "0"
imgsecond.Visible = "0"
imgthird.Visible = "0"
imgforth.Visible = "0"
imgfifth.Visible = "0"
imgsixth.Visible = "0"
End Sub
Private Sub four_Click()
If four = True Then
totaltxt.Text = Val(4) * Val(pricetxt.Text)
End If
End Sub
Private Sub menublack_Click()
txtmove.ForeColor = vbgrey
pricetxt.ForeColor = vbgrey
totaltxt.ForeColor = vbgrey
nme.ForeColor = vbgrey
cashtxt.ForeColor = vbgrey
changetxt.ForeColor = vbgrey
End Sub
Private Sub left_DragDrop(Source As Control, X As Single, Y As Single)
End Sub
Private Sub menublue_Click()
txtmove.ForeColor = vbBlue
pricetxt.ForeColor = vbBlue
totaltxt.ForeColor = vbBlue
nme.ForeColor = vbBlue
cashtxt.ForeColor = vbBlue
changetxt.ForeColor = vbBlue
End Sub
Private Sub menubold_Click()
txtmove.FontBold = True
pricetxt.FontBold = True
totaltxt.FontBold = True
nme.FontBold = True
cashtxt.FontBold = True
changetxt.FontBold = True
txtmove.FontItalic = False
pricetxt.FontItalic = False
totaltxt.FontItalic = False
nme.FontItalic = False
cashtxt.FontItalic = False
changetxt.FontItalic = False
txtmove.FontUnderline = False
pricetxt.FontUnderline = False
totaltxt.FontUnderline = False
nme.FontUnderline = False
cashtxt.FontUnderline = False
changetxt.FontUnderline = False
End Sub
Private Sub menudate_Click()
date = DateValue(Now)
End Sub
Private Sub cmbselction_Click()
If cmbselction = "You Are Never To Old" Then
txtmove.Text = "You Are Never To Old"
imgfirst.Visible = True
imgsecond.Visible = False
imgthird.Visible = False
imgforth.Visible = False
imgfifth.Visible = False
imgsixth.Visible = False
pricetxt.Text = "500"
cashtxt.Text = ""
totaltxt.Text = ""
changetxt.Text = ""
one.Value = False
two.Value = False
three.Value = False
four.Value = False
five.Value = False
six.Value = False
ElseIf cmbselction = "50 First Dates" Then
txtmove.Text = "50 First Dates"
imgfirst.Visible = False
imgsecond.Visible = True
imgthird.Visible = False
imgforth.Visible = False
imgfifth.Visible = False
imgsixth.Visible = False
pricetxt.Text = "650"
one.Value = False
two.Value = False
three.Value = False
four.Value = False
five.Value = False
six.Value = False
ElseIf cmbselction = "The Blind Side" Then
txtmove.Text = "The Blind Side"
imgfirst.Visible = False
imgsecond.Visible = False
imgthird.Visible = True
imgforth.Visible = False
imgfifth.Visible = False
imgsixth.Visible = False
pricetxt.Text = "800"
one.Value = False
two.Value = False
three.Value = False
four.Value = False
five.Value = False
six.Value = False
End If
If cmbselction = "The Notebook" Then
txtmove.Text = "The Notebook"
imgfirst.Visible = False
imgsecond.Visible = False
imgthird.Visible = False
imgforth.Visible = True
imgfifth.Visible = False
imgsixth.Visible = False
pricetxt.Text = "650"
one.Value = False
two.Value = False
three.Value = False
four.Value = False
five.Value = False
six.Value = False
ElseIf cmbselction = "Dear John" Then
txtmove.Text = "Dear John"
imgfirst.Visible = False
imgsecond.Visible = False
imgthird.Visible = False
imgforth.Visible = False
imgfifth.Visible = True
imgsixth.Visible = False
pricetxt.Text = "550"
one.Value = False
two.Value = False
three.Value = False
four.Value = False
five.Value = False
six.Value = False
End If
If cmbselction = "Black Swan" Then
txtmove.Text = "Black Swan"
imgfirst.Visible = False
imgsecond.Visible = False
imgthird.Visible = False
imgforth.Visible = False
imgfifth.Visible = False
imgsixth.Visible = True
pricetxt.Text = "1500"
one.Value = False
two.Value = False
three.Value = False
four.Value = False
five.Value = False
six.Value = False
End If
End Sub
Private Sub menuexit_Click()
End Sub
Private Sub menugray_Click()
txtmove.ForeColor = vbgray
pricetxt.ForeColor = vbgray
totaltxt.ForeColor = vbgray
nmet.ForeColor = vbgray
cashtxt.ForeColor = vbgray
changetxt.ForeColor = vbgray
End Sub
Private Sub menugreen_Click()
txtmove.ForeColor = vbGreen
pricetxt.ForeColor = vbGreen
totaltxt.ForeColor = vbGreen
nme.ForeColor = vbGreen
cashtxt.ForeColor = vbGreen
changetxt.ForeColor = vbGreen
End Sub
Private Sub menugrey_Click()
End Sub
Private Sub menuitalic_Click()
txtmove.FontBold = False
pricetxt.FontBold = False
totaltxt.FontBold = False
nme.FontBold = False
cashtxt.FontBold = False
changetxt.FontBold = False
txtmove.FontItalic = True
pricetxt.FontItalic = True
totaltxt.FontItalic = True
nme.FontItalic = True
cashtxt.FontItalic = True
changetxt.FontItalic = True
txtmove.FontUnderline = False
pricetxt.FontUnderline = False
totaltxt.FontUnderline = False
nme.FontUnderline = False
cashtxt.FontUnderline = False
changetxt.FontUnderline = False
End Sub
Private Sub menunew_Click()
one.Value = False
two.Value = False
three.Value = False
four.Value = False
five.Value = False
six.Value = False
imgfirst.Visible = False
imgsecond.Visible = False
imgthird.Visible = False
imgforth.Visible = False
imgfifth.Visible = False
imgsixth.Visible = False
txtmove.Text = ""
pricetxt.Text = ""
totaltxt.Text = ""
nme.Text = ""
cashtxt.Text = ""
changetxt.Text = ""
cmbselction = ""
date = ""
time = ""
End Sub
Private Sub menuorange_Click()
txtmove.ForeColor = vborange
pricetxt.ForeColor = vborange
totaltxt.ForeColor = vborange
nme.ForeColor = vborange
cashtxt.ForeColor = vborange
changetxt.ForeColor = vborange
End Sub
Private Sub menutime_Click()
time = TimeValue(Now)
End Sub
Private Sub menuunderline_Click()
txtmove.FontBold = False
pricetxt.FontBold = False
totaltxt.FontBold = False
nme.FontBold = False
cashtxt.FontBold = False
changetxt.FontBold = False
txtmove.FontItalic = False
pricetxt.FontItalic = False
totaltxt.FontItalic = False
nme.FontItalic = False
cashtxt.FontItalic = False
changetxt.FontItalic = False
txtmove.FontUnderline = True
pricetxt.FontUnderline = True
totaltxt.FontUnderline = True
nme.FontUnderline = True
cashtxt.FontUnderline = True
changetxt.FontUnderline = True
End Sub
Private Sub menuviolet_Click()
txtmove.ForeColor = vbviolet
pricetxt.ForeColor = vbviolet
totaltxt.ForeColor = vbviolet
nme.ForeColor = vbviolet
cashtxt.ForeColor = vbviolet
changetxt.ForeColor = vbviolet
End Sub
Private Sub menuyellow_Click()
txtmove.ForeColor = vbYellow
pricetxt.ForeColor = vbYellow
totaltxt.ForeColor = vbYellow
nme.ForeColor = vbYellow
cashtxt.ForeColor = vbYellow
changetxt.ForeColor = vbYellow
End Sub
Private Sub one_Click()
If one = True Then
totaltxt.Text = Val(1) * Val(pricetxt.Text)
End If
End Sub
Private Sub six_Click()
If six = True Then
totaltxt.Text = Val(6) * Val(pricetxt.Text)
End If
End Sub
Private Sub three_Click()
If three = True Then
totaltxt.Text = Val(3) * Val(pricetxt.Text)
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Timer1_Timer()
frmleft.Left = frmleft.Left - 250
right.Left = right.Left + 250
If frmleft.Left = -10000 Then
If right.Left = 10000 Then
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub two_Click()
If two = True Then
totaltxt.Text = Val(2) * Val(pricetxt.Text)
End If
End Sub
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