About Me

My photo
♫it's all about me myself and i♫ aqh.. c chame.. haha.. paxawai na tao.. selfish aqh tao.. goxto ko aqh lng(SPOT LIGHT).. haha.. hndi ko alam kung bkt BATA ang tawag ng mga prends ko skn(BKT NGA BA?).. SAN AKO MAHILIG..... NEGATIVE... mahilig aqh mangulit.. magpasawai.. magingay lalo na kpg nittamad aqh.. mamuna(lalo na kpg wala ko sa mood).. peo tahimik aqh mamuna.. hihi.. POSITIVE... matulog(para skn positve ung matulog ng 12hrs.).. tulugan lahat ng katext ko(eh sa nakatulog aqh eh).. tumulong(kapag nittamaan aqh ng sumpong ng KABAITAN).. hihi.. un lng.. SHY TYPE aqh kpg wala qh KNOWING na kxma..

Friday, April 29, 2011

VB movie cashier..

Private Sub cancel_Click()
txtname.Text = ""
txtpass.Text = ""
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()

End Sub

Private Sub login_Click()
If txtname.Text = "LASPINAS" And txtpass.Text = "laspinas" Then
a = MsgBox("Password Validate", vbInformation, "Password")

a = m
txtname.Text = ""
txtpass.Text = ""
End If
End Sub


Private Sub cancel_Click()
one.Value = False
two.Value = False
three.Value = False
four.Value = False
five.Value = False
six.Value = False
imgfirst.Visible = False
imgsecond.Visible = False
imgthird.Visible = False
imgforth.Visible = False
imgfifth.Visible = False
imgsixth.Visible = False

txtmove.Text = ""
pricetxt.Text = ""
totaltxt.Text = ""
nme.Text = ""
cashtxt.Text = ""
changetxt.Text = ""
cmbselction = ""
date = ""
time = ""

End Sub

Private Sub cmdpen_Click()
Timer1.Enabled = True
End Sub

Private Sub Compute_Click()
changetxt.Text = Val(cashtxt.Text) - Val(totaltxt.Text)
End Sub

Private Sub five_Click()
If five = True Then
totaltxt.Text = Val(5) * Val(pricetxt.Text)
End If
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()
one.Value = False
two.Value = False
three.Value = False
four.Value = False
five.Value = False
six.Value = False

imgfirst.Visible = "0"
imgsecond.Visible = "0"
imgthird.Visible = "0"
imgforth.Visible = "0"
imgfifth.Visible = "0"
imgsixth.Visible = "0"
End Sub

Private Sub four_Click()
If four = True Then
totaltxt.Text = Val(4) * Val(pricetxt.Text)
End If
End Sub

Private Sub menublack_Click()
txtmove.ForeColor = vbgrey
pricetxt.ForeColor = vbgrey
totaltxt.ForeColor = vbgrey
nme.ForeColor = vbgrey
cashtxt.ForeColor = vbgrey
changetxt.ForeColor = vbgrey
End Sub

Private Sub left_DragDrop(Source As Control, X As Single, Y As Single)

End Sub

Private Sub menublue_Click()
txtmove.ForeColor = vbBlue
pricetxt.ForeColor = vbBlue
totaltxt.ForeColor = vbBlue
nme.ForeColor = vbBlue
cashtxt.ForeColor = vbBlue
changetxt.ForeColor = vbBlue
End Sub

Private Sub menubold_Click()
txtmove.FontBold = True
pricetxt.FontBold = True
totaltxt.FontBold = True
nme.FontBold = True
cashtxt.FontBold = True
changetxt.FontBold = True

txtmove.FontItalic = False
pricetxt.FontItalic = False
totaltxt.FontItalic = False
nme.FontItalic = False
cashtxt.FontItalic = False
changetxt.FontItalic = False

txtmove.FontUnderline = False
pricetxt.FontUnderline = False
totaltxt.FontUnderline = False
nme.FontUnderline = False
cashtxt.FontUnderline = False
changetxt.FontUnderline = False

End Sub

Private Sub menudate_Click()
date = DateValue(Now)

End Sub

Private Sub cmbselction_Click()
If cmbselction = "You Are Never To Old" Then
txtmove.Text = "You Are Never To Old"
imgfirst.Visible = True
imgsecond.Visible = False
imgthird.Visible = False
imgforth.Visible = False
imgfifth.Visible = False
imgsixth.Visible = False
pricetxt.Text = "500"
cashtxt.Text = ""
totaltxt.Text = ""
changetxt.Text = ""
one.Value = False
two.Value = False
three.Value = False
four.Value = False
five.Value = False
six.Value = False

ElseIf cmbselction = "50 First Dates" Then
txtmove.Text = "50 First Dates"
imgfirst.Visible = False
imgsecond.Visible = True
imgthird.Visible = False
imgforth.Visible = False
imgfifth.Visible = False
imgsixth.Visible = False
pricetxt.Text = "650"
one.Value = False
two.Value = False
three.Value = False
four.Value = False
five.Value = False
six.Value = False

ElseIf cmbselction = "The Blind Side" Then
txtmove.Text = "The Blind Side"
imgfirst.Visible = False
imgsecond.Visible = False
imgthird.Visible = True
imgforth.Visible = False
imgfifth.Visible = False
imgsixth.Visible = False
pricetxt.Text = "800"
one.Value = False
two.Value = False
three.Value = False
four.Value = False
five.Value = False
six.Value = False
End If

If cmbselction = "The Notebook" Then
txtmove.Text = "The Notebook"
imgfirst.Visible = False
imgsecond.Visible = False
imgthird.Visible = False
imgforth.Visible = True
imgfifth.Visible = False
imgsixth.Visible = False
pricetxt.Text = "650"
one.Value = False
two.Value = False
three.Value = False
four.Value = False
five.Value = False
six.Value = False

ElseIf cmbselction = "Dear John" Then
txtmove.Text = "Dear John"
imgfirst.Visible = False
imgsecond.Visible = False
imgthird.Visible = False
imgforth.Visible = False
imgfifth.Visible = True
imgsixth.Visible = False
pricetxt.Text = "550"
one.Value = False
two.Value = False
three.Value = False
four.Value = False
five.Value = False
six.Value = False
End If

If cmbselction = "Black Swan" Then
txtmove.Text = "Black Swan"
imgfirst.Visible = False
imgsecond.Visible = False
imgthird.Visible = False
imgforth.Visible = False
imgfifth.Visible = False
imgsixth.Visible = True
pricetxt.Text = "1500"
one.Value = False
two.Value = False
three.Value = False
four.Value = False
five.Value = False
six.Value = False
End If

End Sub

Private Sub menuexit_Click()
End Sub

Private Sub menugray_Click()
txtmove.ForeColor = vbgray
pricetxt.ForeColor = vbgray
totaltxt.ForeColor = vbgray
nmet.ForeColor = vbgray
cashtxt.ForeColor = vbgray
changetxt.ForeColor = vbgray
End Sub

Private Sub menugreen_Click()
txtmove.ForeColor = vbGreen
pricetxt.ForeColor = vbGreen
totaltxt.ForeColor = vbGreen
nme.ForeColor = vbGreen
cashtxt.ForeColor = vbGreen
changetxt.ForeColor = vbGreen
End Sub

Private Sub menugrey_Click()

End Sub

Private Sub menuitalic_Click()
txtmove.FontBold = False
pricetxt.FontBold = False
totaltxt.FontBold = False
nme.FontBold = False
cashtxt.FontBold = False
changetxt.FontBold = False

txtmove.FontItalic = True
pricetxt.FontItalic = True
totaltxt.FontItalic = True
nme.FontItalic = True
cashtxt.FontItalic = True
changetxt.FontItalic = True

txtmove.FontUnderline = False
pricetxt.FontUnderline = False
totaltxt.FontUnderline = False
nme.FontUnderline = False
cashtxt.FontUnderline = False
changetxt.FontUnderline = False
End Sub

Private Sub menunew_Click()
one.Value = False
two.Value = False
three.Value = False
four.Value = False
five.Value = False
six.Value = False
imgfirst.Visible = False
imgsecond.Visible = False
imgthird.Visible = False
imgforth.Visible = False
imgfifth.Visible = False
imgsixth.Visible = False

txtmove.Text = ""
pricetxt.Text = ""
totaltxt.Text = ""
nme.Text = ""
cashtxt.Text = ""
changetxt.Text = ""
cmbselction = ""
date = ""
time = ""
End Sub

Private Sub menuorange_Click()
txtmove.ForeColor = vborange
pricetxt.ForeColor = vborange
totaltxt.ForeColor = vborange
nme.ForeColor = vborange
cashtxt.ForeColor = vborange
changetxt.ForeColor = vborange
End Sub

Private Sub menutime_Click()
time = TimeValue(Now)
End Sub

Private Sub menuunderline_Click()
txtmove.FontBold = False
pricetxt.FontBold = False
totaltxt.FontBold = False
nme.FontBold = False
cashtxt.FontBold = False
changetxt.FontBold = False

txtmove.FontItalic = False
pricetxt.FontItalic = False
totaltxt.FontItalic = False
nme.FontItalic = False
cashtxt.FontItalic = False
changetxt.FontItalic = False

txtmove.FontUnderline = True
pricetxt.FontUnderline = True
totaltxt.FontUnderline = True
nme.FontUnderline = True
cashtxt.FontUnderline = True
changetxt.FontUnderline = True
End Sub

Private Sub menuviolet_Click()
txtmove.ForeColor = vbviolet
pricetxt.ForeColor = vbviolet
totaltxt.ForeColor = vbviolet
nme.ForeColor = vbviolet
cashtxt.ForeColor = vbviolet
changetxt.ForeColor = vbviolet
End Sub

Private Sub menuyellow_Click()
txtmove.ForeColor = vbYellow
pricetxt.ForeColor = vbYellow
totaltxt.ForeColor = vbYellow
nme.ForeColor = vbYellow
cashtxt.ForeColor = vbYellow
changetxt.ForeColor = vbYellow
End Sub

Private Sub one_Click()
If one = True Then
totaltxt.Text = Val(1) * Val(pricetxt.Text)
End If
End Sub

Private Sub six_Click()
If six = True Then
totaltxt.Text = Val(6) * Val(pricetxt.Text)
End If
End Sub

Private Sub three_Click()
If three = True Then
totaltxt.Text = Val(3) * Val(pricetxt.Text)
End If
End Sub

Private Sub Timer1_Timer()
frmleft.Left = frmleft.Left - 250
right.Left = right.Left + 250
If frmleft.Left = -10000 Then
If right.Left = 10000 Then
End If
End If
End Sub

Private Sub two_Click()
If two = True Then
totaltxt.Text = Val(2) * Val(pricetxt.Text)
End If
End Sub

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